Exchanges Policy


  • Orders may be canceled within 24 hours of having been placed by a member and before the order is processed and shipped. If have placed an order and need to make a change or cancel an order, please contact us within 24 hours. Once an order has been shipped it can no longer be canceled.
  • Due to the nature of our custom products; please note we cannot offer a monetary refund for any item once an order has shipped. Please see below for information regarding exchanges.    
  • You may request an order cancellation by contacting us at:, within 24 hours of placing an order.


  • To insure safety for everyone, we cannot offer monetary refunds for returned items.  
  • We will honor an exchange or replacement for the same item or item of equal value in the event you received a wrong item or item was damaged in transit. Please contact us regarding concerns with your order within five business days of receiving your order. The Goddess Kingdom will honor a replacement or exchange up to 15 days from the date of delivery.
  • We are not responsible for lost packages or items shipped to the wrong address on behalf of the member providing incorrect shipping information. Orders will be processed through your personal PayPal account and shipped to the address associated with your PayPal account. It is the members responsibility to ensure the shipping address is correct.
  • Please do not mail or return items before contacting us.